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Incident reporting

Life-threatening emergencies on the river:
Call 999 and ask for the Coastguard

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Egret River Water Blue Green


Our Thames Vision 2050 seeks to create a clean river, free of sewage, waste and other pollution, supporting greater biodiversity and recreational use

Clean Thames Challenge

Tired of seeing litter along the Thames? Want to make a real difference for our iconic river and its wildlife?

Join the Clean Thames Challenge this September and be a part of the solution!

Sign up today!
Clean Thames Challenge CTA promo image

Clean Thames Plan

Priority action plan for a clean Thames (2024-2030)

In collaboration with river users, riparian councils and supporting stakeholders, we've launched the Clean Thames Plan to lay out achievable actions towards a clean river, free of sewage, waste and pollution, supporting greater biodiversity and recreational use.

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Rowers on the Thames

Port of London Authority and partners launch Net Zero River Plan for the Thames

Working together to accelerate progress towards decarbonising the Thames, we and a coalition of terminal and vessel operators and supporting stakeholders, have published an action plan for a Net Zero future.

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Net Zero River Plan Graphic

Air quality

sunrise Tower Bridge Poll of London

We are committed to reducing emissions in the Port of London.

Climate change

Richmond Lock & Weir Sky water

We aim to tackle the causes and effects of climate change head-on, both through our own plans and by working with others on the river

Nature & biodiversity

grey seal water

In 1957, the Thames was declared biologically dead. But the story of the Thames is one of recovery

Water Quality

water reflections

We want the river to be the cleanest it has been since the industrial revolution.

plants water natural thames

Thames Vision 2050

Natural Thames

Our vision for the Thames in 2050: A clean river, free of pollution and rubbish, supporting more sport, passengers and freight. A resilient Estuary, adapting to climate change and richer in wildlife. 

seal water

Get involved!

We're all responsible for protecting the Thames

Here are some ways you can help protect the environment and the animals that live in and near the river.

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