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Incident reporting

Life-threatening emergencies on the river:
Call 999 and ask for the Coastguard

For near miss, safety observations and incident reporting click below


Make a report
rubbish plastic hand purfleet

Get involved

We're all responsible for protecting the Thames

What to do if you see a marine mammal in the river?

Every year reports are received of seals in need of rescue in the tidal Thames where they are hauling out, resting on mudflats or pontoons.

Never approach animals. Keep any pets with you under your control. You could cause the animal distress and put yourself in danger as water level rise rapidly on the Thames.



  • If the animal looks happy and healthy – admire the animal from a distance. Report your sightings to the ZSL via their marine mammal sightings form.
  • If you are unsure on the health of the animal. Report the slighting to PLA Vessel Traffic Services (VTS) on +44 (0)208 855 0315
  • If the animal is dead. Please report you sighting to the PLA VTS on +44 (0)208 855 0315 who will work with the Cetacean Stranding Investigation Programme (CSIP) on 0800 6520333.
  • Urgent incidents such as collisions, contact, grounding, pollution/sheen, animal in distress, sunk/abandoned vessels, may have a serious environmental impact and require an immediate response -- Click here for details on where to call

Clean Thames Challenge

Tired of seeing litter along the Thames? Want to make a real difference for our iconic river and its wildlife?

Join the Clean Thames Challenge this September and be a part of the solution!

Sign up today!
Clean Thames Challenge CTA promo image
rubbish plastic reeds thurrock

Join a litter pick near you

Our Cleaning the Thames website can connect you to organised clean ups on the Thames foreshore.

Cleaning the Thames

Thames Environment Fund

Seven projects to boost wildlife and nature on the tidal Thames are to receive a total of £50,000 from the Port of London Authority

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litter rubbish ZSL project

Thames Green Scheme

We're working with inland operators to promote environmental innovations.

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Svitzer’s Dave Watson (left) and Cliff Chow (right) with Grace Staines from PLA’s Environment team.
nature reserve plants water reeds cranes

Thames Vision 2050

Natural Thames

Our 2050 Vision is of a clean river, free of sewage, waste and other pollution, supporting greater biodiversity.

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