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Thames Vision 2050

We will create the UK’s leading port, central to the nation’s economy, with Net Zero emissions

Our vision for the Thames in 2050

A clean river, free of pollution and rubbish, supporting more sport, passengers and freight. A resilient Thames Estuary, adapting to climate change and richer in wildlife. A more diverse Thames, providing jobs, learning and enjoyment to the whole community, and always, everyone, staying safe.

As a Trust Port, we hold the river in trust, working to hand it on in a better condition to future generations.

This approach is at the heart of the Thames Vision. A not-for-dividend organisation, we retain any financial surplus generated, and are consequently uniquely placed to make targeted, strategic investments to support delivery of the Vision.

Alongside improving the river, our principal responsibility is enabling people to use the tidal Thames safely. We engage actively and openly with stakeholders through a range of forums, throughout the year.

A river responsive to change

The next 25 to 30 years will see substantial change across the economy and society as we transition to a Net Zero society, and deal with the effects of climate change, alongside other opportunities and challenges. With stakeholders, we have agreed five cross cutting priorities for action.

Delivering the Thames Vision

Between now and 2030, working with partners, we will complete the following actions, to progress towards Thames Vision 2050.

Early 2024

Thames Net Zero Coalition formed and a collective action plan to radically reduce emissions on the Thames published. 


Thames Estuary 2100 plan updated by end of 2024, alongside a plan for a resilient network of high-quality protected habitats.


River masterplan rollout ongoing.


Route map to a zero sewage, zero rubbish, zero plastic Thames published by mid-2024 and Tideway Tunnel operational in 2025.


New Marine centre developed and operational by 2025.


Busier river, served by London's first boatyard in a century, fully operational by 2026.


Active Thames programme leveraging some £500,000 over five years to support greater sports participation by 2027.


Up to 1,000 people undertaking Thames Continuous Professional Development by 2027.


Three safeguarded wharves reactivated, and light freight operations promoted by 2030.


Better connected region, with Lower Thames Crossing completed by 2030.

2030 Action Plan

Follow along as we and partners deliver on the Thames Vision 2050.


Voices from the river

Working with stakeholders from across the Thames community, we can maximise opportunities, nurture the environment and engage with the residents of the Thames Estuary region. Creative collaboration is at the heart of the Thames Vision: By pooling resources, expertise and perspectives, businesses, riparian  authorities and diverse communities can drive innovation and implement effective solutions for economic growth, environmental preservation and social inclusion. 

Working in partnership

Thames Green Scheme

As part of our 2050 Vision, we launched the Thames Green Scheme to encourage and support fleet operators as they transition to environmentally friendly fleets.

Maritime Hydrogen Highway

A ground-breaking three-year, £2.1 million development programme -- looking at the scope to establish a national hydrogen highway network as part of the Thames Vision.

Supporting sustainable development

Thames Vision 2050 will deliver against multiple UN Sustainable Developments Goals.

See our Action Plan for accomplishing the Sustainable Development Goals

Partners in the delivery of the Thames Vision

Thames Vision 2050 is a shared goal of how the Thames can be a greater resource for local communities and better serve the nation as a global maritime centre.

Our partners collaborating in delivering the Vision include: Government, the Greater London Authority, port and river businesses, local authorities, the Thames Estuary Growth Board, customers, river users, local community groups, voluntary sector organisations and fellow regulators.

This River

Poet Laurie Bolger worked with young people linked to the river to create a poem celebrating the Thames’ past, present and future.

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