Life-threatening emergencies on the river:
Call 999 and ask for the Coastguard
For near miss, safety observations and incident reporting click below
Our Board of Directors set strategy for the organisation and ensure the organisation follows best practice for governance.
Our Executive Committee manages day-to-day operations.
From our Harbour Masters to our Finance department, our employees draw together expertise and excellence in support of the Thames.
As managers of the tidal Thames our mission is to conserve and improve the river alongside its use as a thriving port and waterway. We are committed to sustainable development.
We have the primary responsibility for maintaining safe access and managing the safety of vessels, the general public and all users of the tidal River Thames.
We are the statutory harbour authority for the Port of London and have been designated a “strategic authority” in respect of the requirements of the International Ship and Port Facility Security Code.
We apply the highest standards of ethical conduct and integrity in our business activities.
We support a range of charities related to the river, marine skills and preserving the Port’s archive.
We engage actively with stakeholders along the Thames, including river users, local authorities, interest groups, government and many other bodies.
We have developed this policy as part of a positive approach to tackling alcohol and substance abuse related issues at work.
We are committed to protecting the health, safety and wellbeing of our employees and aspire to influence the wider river community and those who work with us.
We are committed to ensuring that slavery and human trafficking is not taking place in our supply chains or in any part of our business.
We respect your privacy and are committed to protecting your personal data. Here's how we handle your information.
We aim to perform all our duties in a timely, positive and cost-effective manner, balancing the needs and expectations of interested parties.
We will act reasonably to comply with all sanctions applicable to our business activities and that we appropriately manage associated risks.
Consistent with our commitment to conduct business fairly and honestly, we seek out business partners who share in our culture, values and business practices.
An updated version of the original Port of London Act 1968 as of January 2014.
The current published rates and charges for services provided by the PLA.
Maintenance dredging -- regularly carried out in the tidal Thames -- is necessary to maintain safe operational water depths for navigation.
Information about the Port of London Waste Management Plan.
Annual gender pay gap reports.
We periodically engage with Thames stakeholders and community members on issues affecting navigational safety and the future of the river.
We periodically issue calls for responses to Pre-Qualification Questionnaires and and Request for Proposals.
Standard terms and conditions for purchase of goods and/or services by the Port of London Authority.
PLAPF Statement of Investment Principles
WWOPF Statement of Investment Principles
PLARB Statement of Investment Principles
ESLPS Statement of Investment Principles
We have an active presence on the river 365 days a year to ensure safe navigation for freight, passengers and recreation.
The PLA was created by Parliament in 1908 to bring order to the chaos and congestion that prevailed on the Thames.
The PLA's extensive archive is held and managed by the London Museum Docklands in West India Quay near Canary Wharf.