Life-threatening emergencies on the river:
Call 999 and ask for the Coastguard
For near miss, safety observations and incident reporting click below
The Thames Vision is built around three interconnected themes, centred on the role the river plays for people and the environment.
The No. 1 Net Zero UK commercial hub
The country’s largest and most competitive port, closest to the UK’s biggest market, producing Net Zero emissions. Improved connectivity to road and rail infrastructure. Technologically innovative, expanding the transportation of light freight into central London as urban logistics transform.
A place to live, visit, play and enjoy
Accessible to all, a national and international icon for the city and the country. More visitors, drawn to the river as the best way to enjoy London and the Thames Estuary, and its many cultural attractions. More people from diverse backgrounds enjoying sport and leisure opportunities on the Thames.
Clear air, water and land
A clean river, free of sewage, waste and other pollution, supporting greater biodiversity and recreational use. Valued for its clean air, natural flood defence, wildlife and as a carbon sink.